Foodshare Blog

When we say "I'll throw this away", this is what "away" means


🌎 This is Bantar Gebang, the mother of landfills, in Jakarta, Indonesia.

πŸ—‘οΈ It contains 30 million tons of waste, and about 7000-8000 tons get dumped there EVERY DAY by 1200 trucks.

🌲 It even has employees and tenants! 20 000+ people live & work there as informal waste pickers.

Needless to say, it is a source of deadly diseases, pollution, fires, and deaths every year.

And it's nearly impossible to close, due to political, business as well as waste pickers pressure.

Most of all, it's a stark reminder that our single-use, throw-away economy is working against us.

Anyone still doubting we should go circular?

PS.: If you are from the US, it quite literally means it could be your waste ending up there too, as Indonesia remains one of the largets plastic waste importers from the US.

Vojtech Vosecky's post

#wastemanagement #indonesia #circulareconomy