This is what we call "waste" across the United States

News flash: This isn't waste!
π«π₯¬ Β We need to eliminate that word from our vocabulary - this is surplus grocery food and unfortunately, this is after donations can occur.
There are a lot of problems within our food system and prioritizing food to humans is number one. Followed by our solution at Do Good - where the next best usage of this food is to be upcycled into a chicken feed.
Think about it: When we all grew up on farms we used to take these leftovers and feed them outback to our chickens....its not rocket science - its just the way nature intended to operate.
We could literally solve food waste nationally in 5 years if we all cared to - if 1 out of every 5 chickens ate this there would be no "waste".
By Justin Kamine
Join us on this Foodshare mission to fight food waste and climate change!
#foodsharing #foodwaste #foodshare #sustainability Β #meat #plantbased #climatecrisis #vegan #plantbase #diet #climate #change #nature #zerowaste #agriculture #health