Foodshare Blog

The Urgent Call for a Circular Economy: Minimizing Waste and Saving Our Planet

The Urgent Call for a Circular Economy: Minimizing Waste and Saving Our Planet

🌍 We are literally trashing our planet.

Gregg Segal photographed his friends, neighbors, and strangers from California, lying in their own trash, made in one week.

Even though trash is a global issue, there are vast differences:

The average American produces 2.2 kg of trash/day.

Average Dutch = 1.7 kg

Average Ind = 0.57 kg

Average Chinese = 0.43 kg

Globally 2 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste were produced in 2018, of which:

51% of the waste was dumped or uncontrollably disposed of.

24.5% was landfilled.

13.5% was recycled.

5.5% was composted.

5.5% was incinerated

In other words: only 19% of those 2 billion tons got back into the loop (composting & recycling).

The rest is lost forever, with consequences for our health, planet, and the economy.

To stop this, we need to go circular.

Minimise waste, limit consumption & close the loop.

Follow the 5R strategy at home:


I will dig deeper into this in my next post.

What's your best tip to produce less waste?

By Vojtech Vosecky

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