Repurposing Food Waste into Sustainable Fertilizer

Exciting things are happening in the wonderful world of composting! Easy Energy Systems and Feed Earth Now - Terreplenish are working with our partners in Asia, Europe, Africa, South America, and North America to re-purpose food waste. Over 1.3 BILLION tons of food is wasted globally each year...much of it left in the growing fields!!

The Easy FEN™ is a modular system that creates liquid microbial Terreplenish® from food waste...and can be utilized ON LOCATION to avert costly shipping fees!! The LIVE microbes in Terreplenish® expedite the breakdown of food waste and offers growers a true organic alternative to source nitrogen and sustainably feed crops and revitalize soil.

Source: Easy Energy Systems
Food Recovery NetworkCalRecycleCalifornia Farm Bureau FederationUS Composting CouncilOrganic Produce NetworkIllinois Recycling AssocRegenerative Agriculture AllianceUSDARegenerative Organic AllianceMark GaalswykMatt StommesCody CainDr. Lisa K. JohnsonLaura BernierThomas NashLyOr RabinowizJohn LardnerRon DoetchCathy Scratch