Overcoming Perceived Difficulties: Unleashing the Power of Diet Change for a Sustainable Future

🥦🍏 The perception of diet change as something that’s ‘too difficult’ has prevented progress on this vital agenda. But our diets are changing all the time in response to our food environments.
Every day, each one of us makes an estimated 200 food decisions – that’s 200 occasions where food companies and policymakers can support, enable, and empower people to make choices that are better for them and the planet.
Successfully transforming the national diet will require a combination of policy measures that together create a level playing field for businesses to source and sell healthy, sustainable food and enable consumers to make choices that are more in line with their aspirations.
Levers for policy and business leaders:
📃 National Dietary Guidelines
🍴 Public Food Procurement
🥘 Food Offer and Marketing
🔍 Transparency
🚜 Investment in Sustainable Production
By Joanna Trewern
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