More treasure than trash: Dumpster diving continues to rise across Australia

Melbourne-based family man Rick Pauley has cut his weekly spending by more than $100 with a method that isn’t to everyone’s tastes.Mr Pauley sources his groceries from bins. He started dumpster diving earlier this year, and now goes searching for food nearly every night.“There’s an addiction to it, never knowing what’s in that next bin,” he told“I’ve been on hundreds of dives since I started.”Mr Pauley used to spend between $100 and $200 per week to feed his three children, himself, and his wife. Now, he spends almost nothing.

“I’ve just about eliminated grocery shopping,” he said.“Once, I filled the entire back of my truck with boxes from wholesalers - cheese, chicken, pastries, yoghurt, drinks.”What Mr Pauley doesn’t need, he shares with other divers.He’s one of an increasing number of Australians who have started searching in bins in a bid to curb food waste.Several Facebook groups, including Melbourne based The Freegan Co-op, and Dumpster Diving Sydney, have seen a steady increase in members.“I find very little rotten food,” Mr Pauley said. “I’ve pulled avocados out of bins that have been too green to eat - there’s nothing wrong with half the food being thrown out. Supermarkets need to do more.”The Department of the Environment and Energy estimates food waste costs the Australian economy around $20 billion each year, with 2.2 million tonnes disposed by the commercial and industrial sector.Consumers are also responsible for throwing away around 3.1 million tonnes of edible food a year.

Dumpster diver and speech pathologist Vanessa Arratia thinks the legislation around food donations need to change.“There’s ridiculous laws and regulations,” Ms Arratia, who is also a vegan, said.“I started dumpster diving to prevent food from going to landfill - money is not the reason.”The 32-year-old said diving has made her less fussy with food.“Before, I’d buy certain fruit and veggies - now, I eat what I find,” she said.On her first dive she found a bin overflowing with fresh produce. Even with her restrictive diet, she still collected more food than she could eat.
“I gave it away to my neighbours and best friend,” she said.“I’m very proud of being a dumpster diving, and am trying to raise awareness.”While some large supermarket chains, like Woolworths, pair with food rescue organisations such as OzHarvest, they’re often limited with what they can donate.“There’s a lot to be done in terms of changing regulations so there’s less food waste,” a spokesperson from OzHarvest told collects 180 tonnes of donated food a week, and delivers produce to charities.The organisation successfully campaigned in 2005 to have legislation around food donations
changed, so donors weren’t liable for the produce given away.

Despite their progress, the OzHarvest spokesperson said there was a lot of food left to rot.“There’s a lot of food we just can’t collect,” the spokesperson said.Spokespersons from Coles and Woolworths said the companies remain committed to curbing food waste. They said the supermarkets had donated the equivalent of millions of meals throughout 2018.An Aldi spokesperson said it only discarded products if they are "unsuitable for use or consumption."Mr Pauley and Ms Arratia said they will continue to feast from the bin until both consumers and companies find a way to completely minimise food waste.
Post: 9news
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