Foodshare Blog

Meat & fossil fuels: Climate crisis

Meat & fossil fuels: Climate crisis

🚨 World is on track for 2.7C 🚨

Up to 1 billion people could be driven to migrate to escape soaring global temperatures 🚨 2 billion people could experience average temperatures >29C by 2030, largely uncharted temperatures for humanity βœ… BUT urgent action to lower carbon emissions and keep global temperature rise to 1.5C would cut the number of people pushed outside the climate niche by 80%, to 400 million. But the world will not stay within 1.5 degrees unless it tackles livestock emissions.

With the richest 10% of the world causing about 50% of global emissions and a handful of fossil fuel and meat companies behind substantial amounts of these emissions, it's essential that rich countries take particular responsibility. The diet of the average Brit uses 4 times as much land as the average Thai, Indian or Nigerian citizen - due to the huge emissions/land impact of high meat diets.

By Martin Bowman

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