March 28 is Denmark's Overshoot Day

🇩🇰 March 28 is Denmark’s Overshoot Day. A 5-day strike by Copenhagen’s garbage collectors provided a stark reminder of the “Global North’s” tremendous over-consumption. These overflowing residential dumpsters is also a reminder why incineration seems to be a bad idea? Out of sight. Out of mind.
Overshoot Day: if the whole world lived like Denmark, global society would have already used up all the Earth’s natural resources for 2023.
Hence the need to change our ways of living.
One of the major issues with incineration is that it enables richer countries to continue plodding along with their heads in the sand.
People struggle to visualise how their daily habits & actions build up over time.
Incinerators lead us to continually kicking the can down the road.
Delay. Delay. Delay.
Incinerators are also capital-intensive and, more importantly, resource-intensive, meaning that a steady supply of waste is required to keep feeding these industrial beasts.
While landfills are still extremely problematic, they are much less capital-intensive than incinerators, and most importantly, provide that all important eye-sore.
By looming large, landfills serve as a critical reminder that society must change its patterns of producing and consuming as soon as possible.
Short-term pain for long-term gain.
By @anurbanharvester
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