π In summary:
1) Food is the second largest source of global emissions, and a shift to more plant-based diets is the most effective way to reduce these;
2) Methane is an extremely potent greenhouse gas, about a third of which is caused by livestock - and reduction of this methane would have a rapid effect to slow global temperature rises, potentially helping us avoiding climate tipping points;
3) US cattle cause nearly as many emissions as the whole of Spain;
4) Cattle are often grown on lands which were formerly forests, wetlands, etc. - and even wild grasslands often store more carbon than often overgrazed pastures;
5) Tech options like feed additives barely scratch the surface of the problem, without lowering meat/dairy production.
By Martin Bowman
#food #meat #plantbased #lessandbettermeat #climatechange #climatecrisis #biglivestock #defundbiglivestock