🚨 We need reductions in meat/dairy, not sticking plaster techno-fixes! But the UK government refuses to follow its own experts' advice. Instead, they are proposing sticking plaster solutions like feed additives - which at best will slightly reduce the overall emissions of UK cows/sheep, leaving most emissions in tact and doing nothing to address their huge land use which competes with vitally needed nature restoration.
That's why last year Feedback made a legal challenge of the government's refusal to act to reduce meat/dairy consumption.
To quote from the UK's National Food Strategy: "There are drawbacks associated with methane reduction technologies, and limits to how they can be used. Food additives need to be given regularly, which means they aren’t suitable for cows that spend most of their days in fields [NOTE: This is most cows in the UK]. We estimate that the methane reduction techniques currently in development could cut farming emissions by around 10%."
By Martin Bowman
#food #meat #plantbased #lessandbettermeat #climatechange #climatecrisis #biglivestock #defundbiglivestock