Dramatic Reduction in Meat Consumption Needed to Address Climate Crisis, Says New Report

π± BIG NEWS! π± The US must reduce its meat consumption by 82%, Australia by 80% and Spain by 78%. In fact, most rich & upper-middle income countries must reduce their overconsumption of meat/dairy/fish dramatically to avert climate crisis and stay within planetary boundaries, according to new Compassion in World Farming report and based on global aligment with the Eat-Lancet diet.
Especially hopeful are Denmark's plans, described in the report. Denmark currently has the highest animal production per capita in Europe - but has recently released dietary guidelines for a significant reduction in meat to 350g per person/per week. They are creating a National Action Plan for Plant-Based Foods, which will outline actions for the development of the production and consumption of plant-based foods and production in Denmark over the coming years. And they have established a Fund for Plant- Based Food Products with 675 million DKK over eight years - the funds are taken directly from an existing resource that mostly supports animal products.
This is in service of Denmark's commitment to reduce emissions from the agricultural and forestry sector by 55-65 per cent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels. We need other countries to follow.
By Martin Bowman
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