Do you need to worry about pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables?

Fruits and vegetables are essential parts of a balanced diet, yet many Americans struggle to incorporate them into their daily meals due to various reasons. One major deterrent is the perceived risk associated with consuming produce due to concerns regarding pesticide residues. However, according to the USDA's Pesticide Data Program, only around two percent of sampled food products exceeded the established legal limits for pesticide residues.
Additionally, when considering toxicity profiles, the presence of individual chemicals, and compared with crop/chemical-specific "tolerance," it becomes clear that consumer risk perception is often not based on scientific evidence.
On average, across five years of test results (2015 - 2019), less than 30% of conventionally grown (i.e., non-organic) fresh produce samples tested above the allowable limit, with most detections being relatively low in concentration. This highlights that pesticide use on fresh fruits and vegetables does not pose significant risks for consumer safety. By Simon Maechling
#agriculture #pesticides #health