The climate crisis demands lower meat diets

π¨ To reach Denmark's climate targets, the government's official advisers say that Danes need to replace two thirds of their meat consumption with plant-based foods like pulses, vegetables and wholegrains - estimating this would saved between 2.6 and 3.9 million tons of CO2-equivalents per year.
Danes, like most Europeans, consume more than twice the global average amount of animal food products - this overconsumption is unsustainable. A previous study found that about 90% of Denmark's agricultural emissions come from cattle and pigs:
In 2021, Parliament voted that Denmark's agricultural and forestry sector must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 55-65 per cent by 2030 - so dietary change will be an unavoidable part of the transition. Denmark's advisers recommend introducing a tax of around 33% on beef/dairy farming, due to its especially high carbon footprint.
- Martin Bowman's post
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