Building a Food System that Works for Everyone: A Look at the Intersection of Food Waste with Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

ReFED is gearing up to share an exciting landscape assessment report and you are invited to join for our launch event!
Where are inequities in our food system impacting the amount of food going to waste? Join us for the launch of ReFED's new landscape assessment – Building a Food System that Works for Everyone: A Look at the Intersection of Food Waste with Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion – which examines the link between food waste and key JEDI issues.
We'll share out highlights and case studies in the following topic areas:
- Treatment of Workers in the Food System
- Capital Flows
- Food Assistance Infrastructure & Processes
- Consumer Education
- Food Disposal Infrastructure
Learn more and register by clicking the link below
By Lily Herd
Join us on our mission to fight food waste and climate change!
#foodsharing #foodwaste #foodshare #sustainability #meat #plantbased #climatecrisis #vegan #plantbase #diet #climate #change #nature #zerowaste #agriculture #health