Bon Appétit

🍞🍅 🥦🥫 Over a period of six months director Grant Baldwin and producer Jen Rustmeyer ate only unopened or uneaten foods that almost exclusively came out of retail and wholesale dumpsters. Once the couple figured out where to look, they found the challenge shockingly easy: Unwanted food was everywhere. Their diet was rich in eggs, dairy, hummus, bread, and fresh fruits and veg. (Their best score: More than $10,000 worth of Green & Black's organic chocolate bars). In all, the pair "rescued" more than $20,000 in wasted food and spent just $200 on the slightly damaged, unwanted produce they bought at grocery stores and farmers' markets.
🗑️ And although we're not suggesting you go out and hit the dumpsters, these less, um, messy ways to cut down on food waste will help you become a smarter shopper, eat more of those groceries you diligently buy each week, and save money.
Post: Bonappetit
foodsharing #foodwaste #foodshare #sustainability #nature