Bell Peppers…

🫑 This demonstrates how c.50% of an average crop can be lost due to the high costs of harvesting and sorting due to low retailer price offers that don’t currently make it a viable option.
🗑️ This is further heightened by the food waste lost to the high retailer specification demands.
They want it every way… Prices below production cost and grade 1 quality due to years of educating consumers to buy with their eyes…The result being significant food waste and growers going out of business - Ultimately, empty shelves…
But this does prove there is some room for negotiation and a future for fresh produce on the UK shelves…
🌎 By giving the consumers the choice to pay for a premium product, (at sustainable prices paid to the farm), would in turn contribute to the costs of harvesting the ‘wonky’ element, for consumers to buy or not at lesser values - Fundamentally, farmers get a fair price and higher marketable yields; and the consumers can decide if they want to pay for a visually pleasing option or a cheaper option that once prepped and cooked won’t look any different and will taste exactly the same…!
Matt Thory's post
farming #agriculture #vegetables #sustainablefood #foodwaste #food